
Lima, Peru

Asociacion Benefica Prisma

Melissa Burroughs-Peña, MD, MSc-GH

Global Health Pathway Graduate
Fogarty International Clinical Research Fellowship Alumni

Cardiovascular Disease
Department of Medicine


Dr. Burroughs-Peña is currently a cardiologist with Stanford Healthcare.  She was a Global Health-Cardiology Fellow and was also enrolled in the Master of Science in Global Health program while at Duke.  She was awarded a Fogarty Global Health Fellowship for her research entitled The cardiovascular impact of household air pollution in semi-urban and rural communities in Puno, Peru. After graduating, Dr. Burroughs-Peña served on cardiology faculty at UCSF.

Dr. Burroughs-Peña studied at Emory University and Harvard Medical School. Her primary research interest is cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment in Latin America and the Caribbean. Her career influences include Partners in Health and the Cuban health system. Dr. Burroughs-Peña has experience working in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Pan American Health Organization. Her past awards include the Emory University Robert C. Woodruff Scholarship and the Harvard University Presidential Scholar Public Service Initiative Award. Dr. Burroughs-Peña’s ultimate goal is to hold a position of leadership in a health policy organization.

GHP Project Related Publications:

Quispe R, Bazo‐Alvarez JC, Burroughs Peña MS, Poterico JA, Gilman RH, Checkley W, Bernabé‐Ortiz A, Huffman MD, Miranda JJ, Study PM, et al. Distribution of Short‐Term and Lifetime Predicted Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases in Peruvian Adults. Journal of the American Heart Association. August 25, 2015 2015;4(8).

Kaplinski M, Jois M, Galdos-Cardenas G, Rendell VR, Shah V, Do R, Marcus R, Pena MSB, del Carmen Abastoflor M, LaFuente C. Sustained Domestic Vector Exposure Is Associated with Increased Chagas Cardiomyopathy Risk but Decreased Parasitemia and Congenital Transmission Risk among Young Women in Bolivia. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2015:civ446.

Burroughs Pena MS, Bernabé-Ortiz A, Carrillo-Larco RM, Sánchez JF, Quispe R, Pillay TD, Málaga G, Gilman RH, Smeeth L, Miranda JJ. Migration, Urbanisation and Mortality: 5-Year Longitudinal Analysis of the Peru Migrant Study. J. Epidemiol. Community Health. 2015;69(7):715-718

Burroughs Peña MS, Romero KM, Velazquez EJ, Davila-Roman VG, Gilman RH, Wise RA, Miranda JJ, Checkley W.  Relationship Between Daily Exposure to Biomass Fuel Smoke and Blood Pressure in High-Altitude Peru.  Hypertension.  2015; 65:00-00.

Burroughs Peña MS, Bloomfield, GS.  Cardiovascular Disease Research and the Development Agenda in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Global Heart.  2015 Mar; 10(1):71-73.​​​​

Bazo-Alvarez JC, Quispe R, Peralta F, Poterico JA, Valle GA, Burroughs M, Pillay T, Gilman RH, Checkley W, Malaga G, et al. Agreement between Cardiovascular Disease Risk Scores in Resource-Limited Settings: Evidence from 5 Peruvian Sites. Critical Pathways in Cardiology: A Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine.2015;14(2):74-80.