Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) Nepal
Tony Pham, MD, MSc-GH
Global Health Pathway Graduate
Fogarty International Clinical Research Fellowship Alumni
Tony Pham completed the Duke Global Health Psychiatry Residency in 2020. He is currently continuing his training in a postdoctoral position at Harvard. Dr. Pham started as a disaster relief volunteer following Hurricane Katrina. It was in this setting that he grew into the field of disaster mental health. To continue his volunteer efforts, he attended medical school at Tulane University where he focused his interests on resilience within the local Vietnamese population. Dr. Pham later transitioned to working in Japan with survivors of the 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster. The collaborative effort involved 9/11 survivors who traveled to Japan on a mission of community outreach. The study was the first of its kind to explore exchanges between survivors of different disasters. As a Global Health Resident, Dr. Pham worked under the mentorship of Dr. Brandon Kohrt at the Transcultural Psychosocial Organization in Nepal where he examined the impact of meaning making techniques and spirituality on those affected by the 2015 Nepal earthquake.
GHP Related Publications:
- Pham, T.V., B.N. Kaiser, R. Koirala, S.M. Maharjan, N. Upadhaya, L. Franz, and B.A. Kohrt, Traditional Healers and Mental Health in Nepal: A Scoping Review. Cult Med Psychiatry, 2020.
- Pham, T.V., R. Koirala, and B.A. Kohrt, Satisfaction in the Soul: Common Factors Theory Applied to Traditional Healers in Rural Nepal. Ethos, 2020. 48(1): p. 93-128.