Residents and Fellows


Eldoret, Kenya

Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital

Paul Park, MD, MSc-GH

GHP Graduate

Internal Medicine
Duke University, Department of Medicine


Dr Paul Park graduated from the Global Health and Internal Medicine Pathway in 2013 and is currently the Senior Director of Programs for Solid Ground, a Seattle-based non-profit.  Previously, he served as the Chief Misson Officer for the Lifelong Organization in Seattle and as Deputy Chief Medical Officer at Partners in Health in Rwanda at the Butaro Cancer Center.  As a Global Health Resident, he completed a Master of Science in Global Health, also at Duke. He received both his bachelors of science in chemistry and his MD at Indiana University.

Dr Park elected to take a year off during medical school to work in Eldoret, Kenya. Under the auspices of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital and AMPATH, he worked on a number of operational research projects, including the expansion of MDR-TB surveillance, which has since been published in the Journal of Tropical Medicine and International Health. He also played an integral role in starting the first community-based MDR-TB treatment program in Kenya which has since been adopted and replicated by the Ministry of Health resulting in a joint publication. Dr Park then worked as a medical coordinator for the Red Cross during the 2008 Kenyan post-election violence. He returned to Kenya in his final year of medical school and again played a key role in establishing a treatment program for the first XDR-TB patient in Kenya.

As a Global Health Resident, he returned to Eldoret and was awarded a Fogarty Global Health Fellowship for his research entitled: Improving diabetes management and cardiovascular risk factors through diabetes peer group education in western Kenya. Dr Park’s long-term career interests include implementation science surrounding innovative models of community-based healthcare delivery for chronic diseases.

Representative publications:​​

  • Nzayisenga I, Segal R, Pritchett N, Xu M, Park PH,  Mpanumusingo E, Umuhizi DG, Goldstein DP, Berkowitz RS, Hategekimana V, Muhayimana C, Rubagumya F,  Fadelu D, Tapela N, Mpunga T, Ghebre RG.  Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia at the Butaro Cancer Center of Excellence in Rwanda.  Journal of Global Oncology.
  • Park PH, Hagedorn I, Bloomfield GS, Pastakia SD, Chege P.  Assessing the Accuracy of a Point of Care Analyzer for Hyperlipidemia in Western Kenya.  Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2016; 21(3):437-444.
  • Park PH, Wambui CK, Otieno S, Egger J, Pastakia SD, Bloomfield GS, Kamano JH, Nyabundi JS.  Improving diabetes management and cardiovascular risk factors through peer-led self-management support groups in western Kenya.  Diabetes Care.  2015; 38(8):e110-111.
  • Kishore SP, Kolappa K, Jarvis JD, Park PH, Belt R, Balasubramaniam T, Kiddell-Monroe, R. Access to Essential Medicines for Noncommunicable Diseases in Poor Countries: The Forgotten Challenge of the Twenty-First Century. Health Affairs.  2015; 34(9):1569-1577.
  • Park PH, Holland DP, Wade AJ, Goswami ND, Bissette DJ, Stout JE.  Public health costs for Tuberculosis suspects in Wake County, North Carolina.  International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.  2013; 17(6):759-763.
  • Oyieng’o D, Park PH, Gardner A, Kisang G, Diero L, Sitienei J, Carter J.  Community- Based Treatment of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis: Early Experience and Results from Western Kenya.  Public Health Action.  IUATLD, 2012; 2(2):38-42.
  • Goswami ND, Hecker EJ, Vickery C, Ahearn MA, Cox GM, Holland DP, Naggie S, Piedrahita C, Mosher A, Torres Y, Norton BL, Suchindran S, Park PH, Turner D, Stout JE. Geographic Information Systems-based Screening for TB, HIV, Syphilis (GIS-THIS).  PLoS One. 2012; 7(10).
  • Park PH, Magut C, Gardner A, Onentia D, Kamle L, Langat BK, Buziba NG, Carter EJ.  Increasing access to the MDR-TB surveillance program through a low-cost, collaborative model in Western Kenya.  Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2012; 17:374-379.
  • Kishore SP, Siegel KR, Ahmad A, et al.  Youth manifesto on non-communicable diseases.  Global Heart.  2011; 6:201-210.